Physics of Music

Physics 0082 Website


Syllabus Assignments What's New Solutions Mathematica Notebooks

Above is a list of files that can be viewed or downloaded.  It includes the course syllabus, assignments, solutions, and Mathematica notebooks which you may find helpful.

Please check the What's New Folder for recent additions each time you connect to this website.

In order to use the Mathematica notebooks, you must have a computer with Mathematica installed.  If you experience problems downloading a *.nb file try downloading  the file as a text file (*.txt).  Then change the name of the file so it ends in *.nb.  At this point the notebook should be readable by Mathematica. Another alternative is to download the corresponding *.cdf file.  A cdf file can be read and computed by downloading the Wolfram cdf player (free) from their website.  This program will open the cdf file and redo the calculations.  However, since a cdf file is not a notebook, it cannot be changed.